UK Plans to Develop Akrotiri Port if no Brexit Deal

North Cyprus News - British Tornados - Akrotiri

Contingency plans to build a port at RAF Akrotiri have been drawn up in case Britain leaves the EU with no trade agreement. A small port already exists at the Sovereign Base but this would need to be enlarged at a cost of tens of millions of pounds. Presently, equipment and other items bound for […]

Council of Ministers Announce Emergency Measures Against Weak Lira

North Cyprus News - Council of Ministers 2018

The council of ministers has decided on new economic measures in a battle against the effects of the weakened Turkish lira. Some of the 23 measures announced earlier were formalised and a number of additional measures for dealing with the economic crisis were announced. After the meeting, Prime Minister Tufan Erhurman, stated that the country […]

Plummeting Lira Causes Huge Loss of Newspaper Circulation

North Cyprus News - Newspaper Stand

The remarkable devaluation of the Turkish Lira against foreign currencies has led to a massive reduction in the circulation of Turkish Cypriot newspapers. This is due to the fact that the papers are buying the materials for their publications in foreign currency. The circulation of the 20 Turkish Cypriot newspapers has reduced from 15,000 to […]

TRNC Celebrates 30 August Victory Day

North Cyprus News - 30 August Victory Day parade

The 30th of August Victory Day will be marked in the TRNC alongside Turkey. This year marks the 96th anniversary of the victory in the Battle of Dumlupinar, which was the final battle in the Turkish War of Independence led by the founder of modern Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. The celebrations will begin with the […]