Property Purchases in Turkey to be Transacted in Lira

North Cyprus News - Turkish Lira

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan signed a decree on Thursday that requires using the Turkish lira for buying, selling and renting of real estate and leasing of vehicles, in a new move to support the weakened lira. Purchase, sales and rental contracts of moveable and immovable properties and vehicle leasing made in foreign currencies will be […]

Turkey Gives Green Light to Naval Base in North Cyprus

North Cyprus News - Turkish Naval Flotilla

Turkey has given the go-ahead for the establishment of naval base and an airbase in North Cyprus, “taking into consideration the military activity which is currently continuing in the area together with hydrocarbon exploration in the region”. Last week, a delegation of experts carried out inspections at Geçitkale airport and in Yeni Iskele. Turkish Cypriot […]

Turkey to Begin Exploratory Drilling Off Cyprus Soon

North Cyprus News - Turkish Drill Ship - Fatih

Turkish MTA ‘Oruc Reis’ vessel has completed its explorations for oil and natural gas in the Black Sea and arrived in the Bosphorus on Wednesday. It has been reported that the vessel’s next destination would be Cyprus. Meanwhile, Turkey’s new drilling ship named ‘Fatih’ has been waiting for some time now in Antalya. Both vessels […]

Turkish Ambassador to North Nicosia to be Replaced

North Cyprus News - Ali Murat Basceri

The Turkish Ambassador to North Nicosia Derya Kanbay, is to be replaced by Ali Murat Başçeri. Başçeri was formerly an undersecretary at the Turkish Embassy in North Nicosia. In 2013, he returned to Ankara where in 2015, was appointed as Deputy General Director of North East Mediterranean at the Turkish Foreign Ministry. Kibris