Ozersay Has Dinner Meeting with DISY Leader

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Kudret Ozersay had a private dinner meeting with leader of the Greek Cypriot DISY party Averof Neofitu, last night. Ozersay announced his dinner meeting with the Greek Cypriot party leader on social media. He said that they met for dinner at a friend’s house in Korucam. Ozersay and Neofitu […]
Doğuş Derya Interview on Cyprus with Philelefthros

The North Cyprus economy looks a like a small ship that is sinking in the waves of the devalued Turkish lira, Doğuş Derya* said an interview with Greek Cypriot daily ‘Phileleftheros’. The following is an excerpt from the interview. To read the full text click on the link at the bottom of the page. Doğuş […]