Framework Must Be Agreed if Talks to Resume

North Cyprus News - President Mustafa Akinci

The UN Secretary-General’s temporary Special Envoy, Jane Holl Lute has asked the Turkish government for an appointment, President Mustafa Akinci has said. “I have learned that Lute has asked for an appointment with the Turkish government for the first week of December, possibly for the 5th or 6th. She has yet to ask us for […]

Sharing Natural Resources Will Help Solve Cyprob

North Cyprus News - Erhurman - 9th Bosphorus Summit

Prime Minister Tufan Erhurman said that there was a struggle required in two directions simultaneous. Not only for the solution of the Cyprus problem but for the economic and social development of the TRNC and the Turkish Cypriots. The prime minister was in Istanbul to deliver a speech on the second day of the 9th […]

EU Grants 34.5 Million Euro to Aid Reunification

North Cyprus News - European Commission Logo

The European Commission has approved a new annual Action Programme costing 34.5 million euros to support the development of the Turkish Cypriot community to aid the reunification of Cyprus. Top of the agenda are the preparation of basic infrastructure projects and continued support and funding environmental protection, in particular water pollution and air quality. The […]

Licences for Eight Inactive Quarries Revoked

North Cyprus News - quarry

The Council of Ministers has decided to revoke the licenses of eight inactive stone quarries in the TRNC. The ministerial council decision was published in the TRNC’s official gazette. In a step taken to prevent further ecological damage to the country, the council of ministers’ decision means that the number of stone quarries has dropped […]