Unheeded Warnings Increased Flooding Problems

North Cyprus News - Floods (2)

Unheeded warnings regarding dumping and construction in ravines and riverbeds have been revisited after the devastation caused by flooding. State officials promised to take action after four young people died when their car was swept off the water-logged Kyrenia mountain road into a ravine. Director of Town Planning Türkmen Yığıtcan called for the “identification one […]

Bottled Gas Prices Fall by 14TL

North Cyprus News - Gas Bottles

The price of bottled gas dropped by 14TL as of Wednesday. The price of a 10 kilogram gas canister has been reduced from 74TL to 60TL. Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Kudret Özersay announced the new prices on Tuesday. He said, “The government does not control the price of gas canisters, however the government […]

Military Respond to Accidental Death of Young Boy

North Cyprus News - Military -Firing Range

The Security Forces Command (GKK) has issued a statement regarding the accidental death of a 13 year-old boy. Makhir İsmailov, was killed by unexploded munitions on a military shooting range in Mevlevi, Guzelyurt district. The GKK stating that an unfortunate accident occurred as a result of coming in contact with ordnance on the military shooting […]