Water Spout Creates Havoc in Yenierenkoy

North Cyprus News - Tornado

A water spout which arrived inland at Yenierenköy at 9.30 pm on Tuesday, has caused damage to property and killed farm animals. According to a police press office statement, a number of domestic water tanks were damaged, roofs, fences and trees were ripped up by the wind. Some farm animals were killed when the roof […]

Deadline for Changing License Plates Reminder

North Cyprus News - New TRNC Vehicle Reg plates

The deadline for changing the license plate of vehicles had been set as 31 January 2019, with a change in the regulation by the Council of Ministers decision. The deadline for changing vehicle licence plates had been moved to an earlier date to enable the speed cameras to recognise the license plates that will show […]

Border Crossing Figures Up in 2018

North Cyprus News - Metehan border crossing

In the first eleven months of 2018, there were were nearly 9.5 million crossings between South Cyprus and the TRNC, Tourism Planning Department figures show. According to the figures, during the above-mentioned period, in round figures, 4.49 million people crossed from the south to the north and 4.7 million crossed from the north to the […]

Turkey Expanding Search for Gas

North Cyprus News - Barbaros Hayreddin Pasha

Turkey has expanded the field of its explorations for natural gas in the Eastern Mediterranean. Ankara issued a NAVTEX announcing that ‘Barbaros Hayrettin Pasha’ seismic survey vessel would be carrying out explorations in an area off the south of Kastellorizo [an island 2 km off the coast of southern Turkey] and 125 km east of […]