EL-SEN Suspends Indefinite Strike

EL-SEN has suspended its plan for an indefinite strike following talks with the government which concluded positively with a signed agreement. Minister of Economy and Energy Hasan Taçoy made a statement on the issue and said: “KIB-TEK is an indispensable, strategic institution for the Turkish Cypriot people and will continue to serve the public in […]

Turkish FM Çavuşoğlu Arrived in Cyprus

North Cyprus News - Cavusoglu - Ozersay

Foreign Minister Mevlut Çavuşoğlu arrived in Cyprus on Sunday. Çavuşoğlu will meet with President Mustafa Akıncı, government officials and political party leaders to discuss common issues, particularly the recent developments on the Cyprus issue and the Eastern Mediterranean. Official meetings will begin on Monday at 10am, when Çavuşoğlu will be received by President Mustafa Akıncı […]

Discussions on Framework for Talks Not Completed

North Cyprus News - President Mustafa Akinci

Negotiations for a framework for renewed Cyprus talks are not complete, President Mustafa Akinci has said. The president said that he had met with the UN Secretary-General’s special temporary advisor on Cyprus Jane Holl Lute almost every day, however, it would be better not to discuss the details of their talks to avoid prejudice. They […]