Erhurman Slams Varosha Meeting

It is necessary to take steps [regarding Varosha/Maras] that take the country closer to international law, not lead away from it, the head of the Republican Turkish Party (CTP) Tufan Erhurman has said. Commenting on developments following the round table meeting held in Maras on Saturday, Erhurman said that it was not right to hold […]
Akinci Condemns Varosha Round Table Meeting

President Mustafa Akinci has criticized the meeting in Varosha/Maraş on Saturday. In particular the timing of the meeting which took place before the TRNC presidential elections to be held in April this year. The meeting, organized by the Turkish Bar Association, was attended by Vice President Fuat Oktay, Prime Minister Ersin Tatar, Foreign Minister Kudret […]
Evkaf Owns Most of Varosha: Oktay

It is unacceptable to keep Varosha/Maraş closed, Turkish Vice President Fuat Oktay has said. The Turkish VP was addressing the round table meeting held in Maraş on Saturday. In a statement at the meeting, Oktay said: “It is not legally, politically or financially acceptable to remain idle about this paradise coast, which is under the […]