Next Few Months Forecast To Be Dry

North Cyprus News - Gold Beach - Yeni Erenkoy

Farmers are eyeing weather reports in Cyprus, where there has been almost no rain for the last month. The country is experiencing a dry winter and this situation is expected to continue for the coming months.  Answering the questions put by Turkish Agency Cyprus (TAK), Meteorology Department Director Raif İlker Buran warned that precipitation in […]

Six People Die From Covid-19 In South

North Cyprus News - Coronavirus - Positive

Six people have died from Covid-19 and 337 new cases were reported in the last 24 hours in south Cyprus. Since March, when Covid-19 was first seen on the island, the death toll in the south, mostly male, has reached 147. The total number of cases is 27,011. In North Cyprus, 22 positive cases were […]

Plans To Admit Vaccinated Tourists In April

North Cyprus News - Passengers arrive - Ercan

Prime Minister Saner met the President of the Cyprus Turkish Travel Agencies Association (KITSAB) Orhan Tolun and board members. At the meeting, the prime minister pointed out that the efforts made by the travel agents’ union to develop tourism in the country’s travel sector are also very important in the currently difficult days. Stating that […]