North Reports 23 Cases Of Covid-19

North Cyprus News - Coronavirus

Health Minister Dr. Ali Pilli stated that 23 people have tested positive for Covid-19 in the last 24 hours, 18 of whom were local. In south Cyprus, there were 164 cases of Covid-19 reported and one death. The total number of cases in south Cyprus is now 29,294 and 176 deaths. In North Cyprus the […]

Nearly 5,000 People Have Been Vaccinated

North Cyprus - News - Sinovac - Vaccine

Health Minister Dr. Ali Pilli has said that a total of 4,968 people had been vaccinated against Covid-19 vaccine, rolling out of which began on Friday. Minister Pilli noted that 4,944 people were vaccinated with the Chinese produced Sinovac and 24 with the BioNTech-Pfizer vaccine. The vaccinations have been given primarily to health and hospital […]

Heavy Rains Wash Large Boulder Onto Road

North Cyprus News - Boulder Blocks Cayirova-Mehmetcik road

The Çayırova – Mehmetçik was closed to traffic after heavy rains brought down a very large boulder onto the road. An alternative route is via the Mehmetçik – Pamuklu road. Mehmetçik Municipality has announced that the work to remove the debris from rock fall is continuing. A statement was issued as follows: “In our region, […]