North Could Reopen To Tourists In April

North Cyprus News - North Cyprus Tourism logo

The government aims to open the country to tourism from April, Minister of Tourism and Environment Fikri Ataoğlu said. He added that the tourism sector required a clear policy from the High Committee on Infectious diseases before marketing for that sector began. He emphasised that vaccination was essential before opening up the education and tourism […]

Housewives Top Of List For Coronavirus Infections

North Cyprus News - People on street in masks

Statistics for the coronavirus pandemic in North Cyprus have shown that only one Turkish Cypriot working in the south had tested positive for Covid-19. Between January 1 and February 11, 2021, only one person working in the south tested positive for the virus during that time. Since December 15, workers who live in the north […]

Twenty-Eight People Test Positive For Covid-19

Cyprus News - Coronavirus

A total of 28 people tested positive for Covid-19, 12 of whom were local, Health Minister Ali Pilli said yesterday. Three people came from abroad infected with the virus and 13 were contacts of those already in quarantine, he said. The total number of cases of Covid-19 is 3,082. There have been 19 deaths from […]