Six Unions Take Legal Action Against Government

Six unions have taken the government to court regarding its decision to suspend the cost of living allowance for four months, Kibris Postasi reports. Cyprus Turkish Public Servants Union (KTAMS), Cyprus Turkish Public Servants Union (KAMUSEN), Public Workers Union (KAMU-İŞ), Customs Workers Union (GÜÇ-SEN), Revenue and Tax Office Employees Union (VERGİ-SEN) and Cyprus Turkish The […]
Agreement Made To Reopen Border Crossings

An agreement has been made with South Cyprus to reopen border crossing points as far as the progress of the Covid-19 pandemic permits, Kibris Postasi reports. Presidential Spokesperson Dr. Berna Çelik Doğruyol issued a statement saying that during a meeting held on March 19 to discuss confidence building measures in the presence of the UN […]