Latest Covid Health Rules/Travel Conditions

North Cyprus News - Ercan - Arrivals

The Communicable Diseases Supreme Council has announced its latest decisions on Covid rules, BRT reported. Curfew Curfew remains in place seven days a week between midnight and 5am. The only exception is for urgent requirements. Retail and Restaurants/Cafes Retail and merchandising services and all services/sectors not specified as closed may open between 08:30-21:00. Restaurants, cafes, […]

Single Dose Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Available

North Cyprus News - Vaccine

All individuals who want to receive the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, which has been available since Thursday, must apply via the Ministry of Health’s vaccine portal system, BRT reported. The Health Ministry has added new vaccination centres to the list of the current hospitals offering the single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine. The health centres which […]

Tatar’s Meeting With UNSG Guterres Very Brief

North Cyprus News - Tatar - Guterres

The meeting between President Ersin Tatar and UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres in Brussel, which began at 12.20pm Cyprus time was extremely brief, Yeniduzen reported. Tatar went to Brussels yesterday morning in advance of his meeting with Guterres, who was in Brussels for the European Parliament General Assembly. His meeting with the UNSG today lasted for […]

Vaccination Appointments Available Online

North Cyprus News - Vaccination

Citizens wishing to book an appointment for a Sinovac vaccine should register online at [also in English] the Ministry of Health has announced. Once registered for an appointment, an SMS will be sent to your mobile. Kibris Postasi supplies a list of vaccination centres and their opening hours as follows: Nicosia Kolan Hospital – Weekdays […]