Dusty Atmosphere For Next Three Days

North Cyprus News - Dust in Atmosphere

Dust in the atmosphere blown across from North Africa will be present for three days from today, the Met Office has warned, Kibris Postasi reported. Those who are sensitive to dust have been advised to take precautions. The dust in the atmosphere will remain until October 13, the Met Office said. Kibris Postasi

Pandemic Has Increased Environmental Pollution

North Cyprus News - Rubbish - Catalkoy

The outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic has increased environmental pollution for two main reasons; A) More plastic bottles containing hand sanitizer, gloves and masks are being disposed of into the environment and B) A lack of government funding for councils to improve their recycling capabilities, BRT reported. A great deal of this waste produce is […]

Latest Rules For Entering North Cyprus Announced

North Cyprus News - Passengers arrive - Ercan

The latest rules for passengers entering into North Cyprus have been announced. All passengers entering the country from abroad and/or using land border gates are required to fill a TRNC PASSENGER ENTRY FORM downloaded from adapass.gov.ct.tr before the trip using a mobile or tablet.  If passengers produce a printed version of the TRNC Passenger Entry […]