Lack of Road Lighting a Long-Term Problem

Tuesday, 12 September 2023 The ongoing problem of a lack of street lighting which has led to accidents to motorists and pedestrians still remains unaddressed, Yeniduzen reports. This applies not only to main roads but other places in the inner cities where there are street lights but they are not functioning. Citing a recent traffic […]
No Official Agreement on Pile Road

Tuesday, 12 September 2023 Spokesperson Aleem Siddique for the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) has said that road construction works in the buffer zone in Pile have not resumed and that no agreement has been reached on the issue. Regarding the news report in the Turkish Cypriot press yesterday that the road construction […]
Slow Progress Easing Congestion at Metehan Checkpoint

Tuesday, 12 September 2023 Some work is being undertaken in the south to ease traffic density at border crossings particularly at Metehan, Yeniduzen reports. This has led the newspaper to ask what measures are being taken by the TRNC authorities to address the problem on their side. Minister of Public Works and Transport Erhan Arıklı […]