Woman Pedestrian Injured in Traffic Accident

North Cyprus News - Ambulance

Saturday, 18 November 2023 A woman was  injured when she was hit by a car this morning while crossing a road in Famagusta, Yeniduzen reports. Dilfuzakhon Sattarova (45), was using the pedestrian crossing when Ayhan Tanburoğlu (56) entered the Monument roundabout and failed to give way at the crossing. Ms. Satarova, who suffered facial injuries […]

Bereaved Families Say Public Prosecutor Too Lenient

Isias Hotel - earthquake wreckage

Saturday, 18 November 2023 The indictment prepared by the Adıyaman Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office regarding the Isias Hotel, which collapsed during the earthquakes in Turkey on February 6, resulting in the death of 72 people, has been completed, Yeniduzen reports. The indictment, which requests prison sentences ranging from two years and eight months to 22 […]