Government Purchase Decision Cost Kib-Tek Millions

North Cyprus News - Tufan Erhurman

Monday, 27 November 2023 Chairman of the Republican Turkish Party (CTP) Tufan Erhürman, read a court decision to the Assembly revealing that state electricity supplier Kib-Tek had suffered a loss of millions of dollars after being sued by fuel supply company Sidereal for damages, Yeniduzen reports. Erhürman emphasised that they would appeal to the court […]

Trial For Journalist Facing 10 Years Jail Postponed Again

Ali Kismir - Head of Press Workers Union

Monday, 27 November 2023 The case filed by the Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office against the President of the Press Workers Union (Basin-Sen), journalist Ali Kişmir, for alleged defamation, was postponed for the third time. The case will be discussed on December 28, Yeniduzen reports. Ali Kişmir who is on trial with a request for up […]