Government Purchase Decision Cost Kib-Tek Millions

Monday, 27 November 2023 Chairman of the Republican Turkish Party (CTP) Tufan Erhürman, read a court decision to the Assembly revealing that state electricity supplier Kib-Tek had suffered a loss of millions of dollars after being sued by fuel supply company Sidereal for damages, Yeniduzen reports. Erhürman emphasised that they would appeal to the court […]
Trial For Journalist Facing 10 Years Jail Postponed Again

Monday, 27 November 2023 The case filed by the Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office against the President of the Press Workers Union (Basin-Sen), journalist Ali Kişmir, for alleged defamation, was postponed for the third time. The case will be discussed on December 28, Yeniduzen reports. Ali Kişmir who is on trial with a request for up […]