Nine People in Public Office Arrested

Man arrested - handcuffs

A list of six people in public office accused of fraud and two people again in pubic office accused of taking bribes all in the fake diploma investigation has been published by Yeniduzen. These are as follows:  Accused of fraud:  Famagusta Police Chief Barış Sel. Registrar of Cooperative Companies, Former Undersecretary of the Ministry of […]

Parliament Divided on Cyprus Issue

North Cyprus News TRNC parliament - assembly

  Heated debates took place in parliament this week between the main opposition party (CTP) and the coalition government over the Cyprus problem, BRTK reports. Leader of the Republican Turkish Party (CTP) Tufan Erhürman criticised President Ersin Tatar and government policy on the Cyprus issue. During the debate, Foreign Minister Tahsin Ertuğruloğlu emphasised the need […]

Unions go on Strike Today

New Central Prison

Three unions are holding a one-day strike at the Central Prison in Minareliköy, BRTK reports. The three unions – the Turkish Cypriot Public Servants Union (KTAMS), the Turkish Cypriot Public Servants Union (KAMUSEN) and the Turkish Cypriot Public Employees Union (KAMU-İŞ) are holding the one-day strike today in protest at the lack of technical personnel […]