Mainly Clear And Dry Weather Forecast

The weather for the next seven days will be mostly clear with some partial cloud cover. Temperatures are expected to range between 33-36°C inland and 29-32°C along the coast. According to the Met Office forecast for the period of September 26 to October 2, the region will be influenced by a low-pressure system accompanied by […]
Man Held on Remand For Sexual Assault

A man who was arrested for the crimes of “trespassing” and “sexual assault” that occurred in Nicosia, appeared at court this morning, Kibris Postasi reported. Police officer Sıla Topbaş presented the facts in court, stating that on Sunday, September 22, at around 2am, the suspect (A.M.), who lives in an apartment in Nicosia, entered the […]
AKEL and CTP Approach to the Cyprus Issue Diverges

In his recent column, Ulaş Barış discussed a meeting organised by the Peace Association, which took place in the buffer zone. The event featured two prominent political figures: Özdil Nami, former Cyprus negotiator from the Republican Turkish Party (CTP), and Andros Kyprianou, former Secretary General of the Progressive Party of Working People (AKEL). Barış noted […]
Federal Model No Longer Relevant: Erdoğan

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan delivered a speech at the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, where he reiterated his call for the official recognition of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), stating, “The federal model has lost its relevance”, Yeniduzen reported. US President Joe Biden delivered the opening […]