A Journalist’s Thoughts on Varosha Visit

A Turkish Cypriot journalist has shared his impressions from his visit to Varosha/Maras. Cenk Mutluyakali, journalist for Turkish Cypriot daily ‘Yeni Duzen’, was part of a group of journalists who were invited by the foreign office to take a tour of the fenced-off town, led by Foreign Minister Kudret Ozersay.

The journalist wondered what was the road map for Varosha? He wrote the following:

  • There is no clear action plan with ‘a time table’.
  • The wish is first to take Varosha from military control.
  • It is said ‘gradually’, but what I saw is that the army does not intent to abandon Varosha.
  • An effort exists to open the way of the ‘Immovable Property Commission’ (IPC).
  • The thought is the following: Let the Greek Cypriots come and apply to the Immovable Property Commission.
  • There is absolutely no intention as regards the return [of Varosha] to United Nations control.
  • The formulas of the Commission (IPC) are the ‘exchange, compensation and return’.
  • Ozersay gives no clear answer to the question: ‘By taking Varosha out of the scope of being a military area, will you open the way for the return formula’?
  • His hands are not free on this issue.
  • EVKAF could not persuade even the administrators of this country of the allegation that it owns Varosha.
  • I ask one official ‘which of these buildings was constructed by EVKAF?’ ‘Not one’, he says.
  • There is an intention for Varosha and I think that the intention of the UBP is different than the intention in the HP.
  • There is still no ‘road map’.

Yeni Duzen



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