Animal Producers Continue Protest Over Unmet Demands

Meat Producers protest in Nicosia
[Association’s President, Mustafa Naimoğulları speaks to press]
The Board of Directors of the Animal Producers and Breeders Association convened at midday at their headquarters. 

Association President Mustafa Naimoğulları told Yeniduzen that he called the meeting to discuss their action plan and that they would issue a statement afterwards.

The Animal Producers and Breeders Association began a vehicle protest in Nicosia on May 20th, demanding the setting of raw milk prices, a reduction in input costs, and the cancellation of the decision to import meat. The protestors first gathered at the Ministry of Agriculture and then moved to the Prime Ministry, maintaining their protest for 10 days.

Due to the lack of agreement in discussions, unions also supported the animal producers by staging a general strike and joining them at the Prime Ministry. The protest also received support from political parties and organisations.

After meeting with Prime Minister Ünal Üstel, the Animal Producers decided to end their protest at the Prime Ministry and relocate it to the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources starting May 30th. However, no consensus was reached in subsequent meetings with the Prime Minister.

President Naimoğulları met with the Prime Minister again last Friday, but since their demands were not met, they decided to continue their protest in front of the Ministry of Agriculture.


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