Annual Cost Of Living Up By 20 Percent

North Cyprus News - Kyrenia StreetThe cost of living in North Cyprus has risen by 20 percent in the last year, Kibris Postasi reported. 

According to the Consumer Price Index, August prices increased by 2.54 percent compared to July, and increased overall by 20 percent compared to August 2020.

The index does not reflect October’s increases in the cost of fuel and domestic bottled gas, however.

The items which have become more expensive in the last year are: food and soft beverages, household appliances, furniture, health and home care services, transportation, hotel accommodation and restaurant food.

This August, food and soft drinks prices increased by 6.95 percent compared to July and restaurant and hotel charges increased by 12.1 percent compared to July.


The main group which saw the highest cost increases in comparison to August, 2020 was transport at 39.22 percent.

According to the Civil Servants Union (KTAMS), the breadline for a family of four reached 4,552 TL per month by October 31, 2021. The minimum wage increase was last made in September at 12.95 percent.

When the price hikes to fuel and bottled gas are included in the calculations, living costs in North Cyprus became even more expensive in September and October.

Kibris Postasi



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