Autonomous Turkish Cypriot State Announced 47 Years Ago

Sunday, 13 February, 2022.

North Cyprus News - Rauf Denktas
[Late President Rauf Denktaş]
The declaration of the establishment of the Turkish Federated State of Cyprus was announced on February 13, 1975 by Rauf Denktaş, President of the Autonomous Cyprus Turkish Administration Assembly. His statement included the following, Yenidüzen reported:

“The Council of Ministers and the Legislative Assembly of the Mukhtar Turkish Cypriot Administration held a joint meeting in Nicosia on February 13, 1975, and taking into account the following facts;

“The Turkish Cypriot Community has been prevented from exercising its rights under the Constitution by the Greek Cypriots.

“The Turkish Cypriot Community has been deprived of all its economic rights and opportunities for many years in the regions where they have gathered in order to protect their existence and ensure the safety of life and property, and have been forced to live in intolerable conditions under threat and pressure.

“In the face of the Greek Cypriots’ attempts and threats to end the independence of the Republic of Cyprus in 1963, 1967 and 1974, the Turkish Cypriot Community, one of the founders of the Republic, was forced to resist these attempts at the expense of heavy sacrifices.

“Concluding that it is not possible to live together with the Greek Cypriots, who are one of the founders of the Republic of Cyprus; and Concluding that in order to bring tranquillity, security and lasting peace to the Island, the two communities must live side by side, each in its own region, arranging its own internal structure; and

“Considering that the Greek Cypriot Community has not taken any constructive position towards the establishment of an independent Federal Republic of Cyprus in accordance with the above principles; and

“Considering the need to subordinate the social and economic life of the Greek Cypriot Community to a new and healthy order; and eeaffirming its conviction and resolve to utterly oppose any attempt against the independence of Cyprus to partition or unite it with any other state; and

“Convinced of the need for a non-aligned status of the Republic of Cyprus and declaring its decision not to allow the island to serve foreign interests; and

“Considering the need to create the legal basis of order in their respective regions which will lead to the establishment of the future independent Federal Republic of Cyprus; and

“Affirming that the ultimate aim is to unite with the Greek Cypriot Community within the framework of a bi-zonal federation;

“It has been decided that the reorganisation and organisation of the autonomous Turkish Cypriot Administration is necessary until the 1960 Constitution of the republic, whose basic articles have been determined by international agreements in accordance with international law, is changed into the constitution of the Federal Republic of Cyprus with the same procedure and the establishment of the Federal Republic.

“For this purpose, it was decided to establish a Constituent Assembly with the presidency of the headman of the Turkish Cypriot Administration”.

Yenidüzen –  Kıbrıs Türk Federe Devleti’nin Kuruluşu

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