Asya Polatlı, known to the community as “Baby Asya,” who was battling SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy), has sadly passed away.
According to information confirmed by the hospital, Baby Asya passed away today, Yeniduzen reports.
Many volunteers in Cyprus in 2021 had organised fundraising campaigns to support Asya Polatlı, who was suffering from SMA, and her family.
Following a strong response from the public regarding her treatment, the Council of Ministers had decided that her treatment would be provided for free in Ankara, under a cooperation agreement between Turkey and northern Cyprus.
However, when Asya and her family went to Ankara for her muscle treatment, the treatment couldn’t begin because she was not a Turkish citizen. During this time, various fundraising campaigns were launched in northern Cyprus to obtain the expensive Zolgensma drug needed for her full recovery.
Around three weeks later, the Ministry of Health announced that Asya Polatlı had obtained Turkish citizenship and her muscle treatment had started for free.
In the meantime, a request for help was made to the Republic of Cyprus, and the Cypriot Health Minister, Michalis Hadjipantelas, announced that they would cover the cost of the drug needed for Asya’s recovery.
On September 27, 2021, Asya was brought from Ankara to Makarios Hospital in the southern part of Nicosia, Cyprus, via a special air ambulance through Greece and Larnaca, and her treatment process had begun.