Baby Carreta Turtles Released Into The Sea

North Cyprus News - Kids release turtles - Iskele

Friday, 12 August, 2022 

Hundreds of environmental volunteers, their families and children, as well as Lions and Leo Clubs, participated in the environmental event held in Zaradise Garden in Iskele to release 80 baby turtles (Carreta Carreta) into the sea.

The event was organised in cooperation with the Eastern Mediterranean University SAGM – Underwater Research and Imaging Centre. 

Tourists and members of the public also enjoyed the event.

North Cyprus News - Lions and Leo Club - Iskele
[Lions and Leo Clubs – Iskele]
The Lions Clubs in Northern Cyprus came together at the special event of İskele Sahil Lions Club to release the baby carettas into the sea.

Lions Clubs thanked the head of the EMU’s Underwater Research and Imaging Centre Dr. Burak Ali Çiçek and his team for their cooperation and presented him with a commemorative plaque.

Lions Club Press Release

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