Nehir Çevik, daughter of Yoksuli Çevik, a member of the TRNC Alevi Cultural Centre, will be buried after the noon prayer at Lala Mustafa Pasha Mosque today.
To date, 34 Turkish Cypriots, have died in the earthquake in Turkey, 16 of whom were members of a teenage volleyball team, who had travelled to the mainland to take part in a tournament. The Turkish Bar Association has filed a criminal complaint against the İsias Hotel in Adıyaman where dozens of people were buried in the earthquake.
According to TurizmGüncel, Chairman of the TRNC Bar Association, lawyer Hasan Esendaglı announced that the Turkish Bar Association has filed a criminal complaint against the owners of the Isias Hotel in Adıyaman, where 16 Turkish Cypriot volleyball players died.
It has been reported that the teams of the Association of Engineers and Architects Chambers in Turkey and the JSC are taking samples from the ruined site and that both Turkey and the TRNC are cooperating in evidence gathering.