British Peer Calls For Recognition of TRNC

Baroness Nosheena-Mobarik
[Baroness Nosheena Mobarik]
In a recent development, Baroness Nosheena Mobarik, a distinguished member of the House of Lords, has posed a compelling question aimed at urging the UK government to reconsider its trade and travel sanctions against the TRNC, Kibris Postasi reports. 

Baroness Mobarik emphasised the need to acknowledge the TRNC as a legitimate entity, stressing that the country’s existing divisions along ethnic and religious lines should not hinder its recognition. Furthermore, she highlighted the lack of any legal obligations preventing such recognition, suggesting that it would be advantageous for the UK to take a pioneering stance in this matter.

Highlighting the adverse effects of the current ban on direct flights to the TRNC on UK residents and businesses, Mobarik underscored the importance of addressing these issues promptly.

This isn’t the first time Baroness Mobarik has brought attention to matters concerning the TRNC. Previously, she raised significant questions about whether British officials had visited memorials commemorating genocide attempts against Turks in Cyprus.

Scheduled for a response from Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on June 4, 2024, Baroness Mobarik’s latest motion has sparked various reactions, notably from Greek newspaper ‘Pentapostagma’. The publication suggests that Ankara’s aim extends beyond establishing two states or sharing resources in Cyprus’s Exclusive Economic Zone; it now seeks recognition from various institutions for the TRNC. This sentiment is echoed in TRNC newspapers, which highlight the profound significance of Baroness Mobarik’s initiative for Turkish Cypriots.

Kibris Postasi

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