Cancer Patients Now Entitled To Free PCR Tests

North Cyprus News -Raziye Kocaismail
[President of the Association for Helping Cancer Patients – Raziye Kocaismail]
Cancer patients who are receiving treatment are eligible for free PCR tests, Raziye Kocaismail, President of the Association for Helping Cancer Patients (KHYD), has announced, BRT reported.

She said that her association had met with Ministry of Health officials who had agreed to offer free testing for cancer patients.

Kocaismail said that patients would need to acquire a stamped and signed document from their oncologist, stating that they are cancer patients, and can then get a free PCR test from the following hospitals: Dr. Akçiçek State Hospital in Kyrenia, Famagusta State Hospital, and Dr. Burhan Nalbantoğlu State Hospital Outpatient Diagnostic Centre in Nicosia.

Kocaismail emphasised that when patients go to have PCR in these centres, it was as important as if they were carrying an identity card, they should not neglect to take and present the document that they have received from their oncologist, stating that they have been treated for cancer.

She thanked the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Finance and oncologists on behalf of each patient for solving the problem of PCR testing, which is essential during treatment.


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