Children Have Fun Doing “Parkeology”

North Cyprus News - Childrens Parkeology EventThe sixth Children’s Parkeology Event, launched the Cancer Research Foundation was held on Sunday, 2 September.

A total of 35 children aged between 6 and 11 participated in the educational excavation park established in Tashkent Picnic Area. Kızılay, Erülkü Supermarket, Hella Bulla, Koop Milk, Mr. Pound, Near East University and many other institutions and organisations sponsored the event.

Expert archaeologists and volunteer trainers spent a pleasant day with the children at the mock archaeological site. At the end of the day, children were also given a participation certificate.

Project Coordinator of the KAV Parkeology Children’s Activity, Archaeologist Demet Karşılı thanked to all the institutions and organisations that supported the activity through sponsorship and the parents who participated in the children’s activities. He also spoke about the work done by the Cancer Research Foundation.

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