Complaints About Border Closures Made to PACE

Cyprus News - Lokmaci crossing closed
Lokmaci Crossing Closed

Speaker of the House Teberrüken Uluçay met with the members attending meetings of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) and the European Parliament to complain about South Cyprus’ decision on the temporary closure of four border crossing points to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

In a statement following the meeting, Uluçay condemned the decision, adding that any measures had to be taken through the Bi-communal Technical Committee on Health. He argued that this initiative, which falls under the Green Line Regulation, should be carried out with the approval of the European Union.

Uluçay then added that drastic measures had been taken to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in the TRNC and that they would send information on the measures taken to all relevant bodies of the European Union. He added that the briefing would emphasise that such unilateral decisions cannot be made on these issues.

Kibris Postasi

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