Court Hearing For Family Who Blame Medics For Son’s Death

North Cyprus News - Atlas Rustemoglu
[Atlas Rüstemoğlu]
A judicial hearing will be held on 10 January regarding the death of a 10-year-old boy who suddenly fell ill and was taken to Nicosia State Hospital and died shortly after, Yeniduzen reported.

Atlas Rüstemoğlu from the village of Yayla died a few hours after he was discharged from the hospital in the morning. Following which, the family, who claimed that there was medical negligence resulting in the death of their child, requested a postmortem.  They asked for an examination of the reports, and statements from the medical staff who were on duty that night were also taken. His family is still waiting for the exact cause of death. His autopsy reports were sent to Turkey and examined twice in the last two years to determine if a physician had been at fault.

Atlas’s father, Hasan Rüstemoğlu said, “We are concerned that they will close the case by saying that there is no physician fault in this case.

He told Yeniduzen that the family wants justice to be done on January 10, and that this could relieve their pain a little. Rüstemoğlu said: “We took our child to the hospital that day, my child died a few hours after they discharged him. Not even diagnosing our child is actually a fault… neglect. We don’t want compensation, we just want justice to be done and the negligence in our child’s death to be revealed.”

His family and relatives also took action in front of the Ministry of Health for Atlas, demanding the necessary explanation. In February 2020, it was determined that there was no finding of negligence in the reports from Turkey, and no cause of  death was given, whereupon the family announced that they had filed a lawsuit against the health workers on duty.


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