Covid-19 Numbers For Cyprus

North Cyprus News - Test - CoronavirusThe Health Ministry, on Tuesday, reported 88 positive cases of Covid-19 following 11,786  tests carried out in the last 24 hours, 71 of which were local, BRT reported.

Inspections of establishments and businesses will be increased under Covid measures, as recommended by the Higher Committee for Infectious Diseases, the Council of Ministers has announced.

In South Cyprus, 827 cases of the coronavirus were detected on Tuesday and one death was reported.

The TRNC Ministry of Health urges anyone who has come into contact with persons who has tested positive for Covid-19 or those who display symptoms of the virus such as fever, coughing and fatigue or loss of smell or taste to contact the Health Ministry Contact Tracing Team . The Health Ministry’s team can be contacted on 0548 850 1188.   


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