The recently appointed UNSG’s special envoy arrived on the island yesterday. She will attempt to break the deadlock between the two Cypriot communities in the Cyprus negotiations.
The letter containing the party’s demands regarding the Cyprus problem was handed over at Ledra Palace by the CTP’s Central Executive Committee Member for Foreign Affairs, Fikri Toros, to Sergiy Illarionov, UNSG’s Special Representative and Director of the Cyprus Peace Force Mission.
The letter emphasised the CTP’s support for a solution to the Cyprus problem,
The letter read, inter alia that:
“The Republican Turkish Party (CTP) is the oldest political party of the Turkish Cypriot Community, founded in 1970. Since its establishment, CTP has been mainly known for its commitment to Peace, Democracy and Justice in Cyprus. Our vision for the island is a permanent federation based on political equality, fully compatible with the relevant UN Security Council resolutions and parameters that form the basis of the negotiations.
As Chairman of the CTP, I am writing to congratulate you on your appointment as the personal representative of the UN Secretary-General in Cyprus and to convey the views of my Party regarding your search for common ground on the road to the comprehensive solution of the Cyprus problem.
Ukraine and Gaza Wars
Please allow me to begin by expressing my deep concern about the ongoing impasse in the Cyprus peace-building process. This situation not only deepens the ongoing stalemate, but also leads to developments that hinder the urgently needed peace, stability and security on the Island and in the region. The latest tragic events in Ukraine and Gaza are enough to remind us of the rule that political problems cannot be left unresolved. We have a strong belief that the Cyprus issue is no exception to this rule. Therefore, for the good of Cyprus and its people, a comprehensive solution to this long-standing problem is essential.
Include NGOs in Negotiations
“As Secretary General Guterres stated, “The essence of the comprehensive solution to the Cyprus problem has emerged”. My party believes that a number of measures designed to strongly encourage and leverage both communities in order to create simultaneous political will will be of critical importance in overcoming the impasse. For this reason, the general approach in the upcoming process, future official negotiation methods, should be based on a schedule to be determined with a sense of urgency and should be result-oriented, and should ensure the participation of leading non-governmental organisations based on the principle of participation. Considering the fact that the continuation of the status quo is not acceptable and sustainable, the UN Secretary-General must ensure that there is no return to the status quo”.
The last round of Cyprus talks ended in 2017 at Crans-Montana Switzerland.
Since then, Turkey and the current TRNC President Ersin Tatar have taken the stance that federation is no longer an option and the TRNC must be recognised as a sovereign and separate entity.