The Derinya and Lefke border crossings will be ready for opening early in October, on the south side. The opening of the two crossings was agreed by the two leaders as a confidence-building measure in 2015.
Amenities for officials to out identity checks have been completed and tarmac is being laid.
According to Cyprus News Agency Greek Cypriot negotiator Andreas Mavroyiannis (on left), visited the Lefke crossing on Wednesday to inspect the work, along with the co-leader of the bicommunal technical committee for the opening of the crossings, Sotos Zakcheos, public works officials and the contractor.
As regards Derinya, the source said that the Greek Cypriot side is ready to open it, but there is still the issue of moving a manned Turkish military post located on the other side.
President Nicos Anastasiades will inform the UN Secretary-General about progress on the two crossings when they meet in New York on 28 September.
Cyprus Mail