Dikmen-Tashkent Road Closure Announced

Dikmen-Taskent road closed for roadworks

The Dikmen-Tashkent road will be closed to traffic from tomorrow until July 13, while asphalt paving works are ongoing, Kibris Postasi reports.

Alternative routes are available via the Dikmen-Nicosia and Tashkent-Nicosia roads.

The Highways Department announced that the Dikmen-Tashkent road will be closed to vehicle traffic for 6 days starting from tomorrow (until July 13) due to asphalt paving works.

In a written statement made by the Highways Department, it was noted that there will be alternative routes  via the Dikmen-Nicosia and Tashkent-Nicosia main roads.

Drivers using this route are asked to drive carefully and slowly, and to obey traffic signs and signals.

The statement also said  that the road works will be carried out “within the scope of the Construction, Repair and Superstructure Reinforcement Works of Various 3rd Class Roads and Potential Settlement Areas Internal Transportation Roads within the scope of the TRNC Highways Master Plan“.

Kibris Postasi

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