Monday, 26 September 2022
Some medical services will be unavailable at Nicosia State Hospital because of strike action being taken by the Cyprus Turkish Physicians Union (Tıp-İş), Yeniduzen reported.
The strike which was announced previously means that all external services in the Anaesthesia and Recovery Clinic, with the exception of operating theatres, intensive care units and emergency services have been suspended.
Additionally, there will be no service at obstetrics and gynaecology outpatient clinics. Doctors will not sign the register when entering or leaving the hospital.
The head of Tıp-İş Mustafa Taşçıoğlu, stated that since the health ministry had not found a solution to the problems in the delivery of health services, the union would take action as of Monday and if the necessary steps were not taken, strike action would continue in the coming days.
Taşçıoğlu said that the union had sent a letter to the Minister of Health, Izlem Gürçağ Altuğra, outlining the problems in the health service, which include a shortage of doctors and suggestions for solutions. However, despite the fact that three and a half months had passed, no concrete steps had been taken, he said.