Draft Penal Amendment Law “Fascist And Reactionary”

North Cyprus News - Bar Association President Hasan Esendağlı
[Head of Bar Association – Hasan Esendağlı]
Saturday, 21 May 2022 

The draft Penal Amendment Law which includes the criminalisation of “being critical and hostile towards the President”, drawn up by the UBP-DP-YDP coalition government, has been sent to the Assembly for approval, Yeniduzen reported.

Reacting harshly to the new amendment, Bar Association President Hasan Esendağlı said that those who had prepared the bill were fascist and reactionary.

He said, “While we are waiting for all articles that penalise thought and expression to be cleared from the law, look at the bill sent to the TRNC Assembly in May 2022! It is fascist, reactionary, and cowardly!” 




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