Following comments in parliament blaming the number of traffic accidents in North Cyprus on poor road conditions, the fact the driving was on the left hand side of the road and the presence of foreign drivers hired as cheap labour, Prime Minister Ersin Tatar said that it was not helpful to blame others.
He said that the government had done its best to maintain and repair the roads within its financial capabilities. Frequent discussions had been held on this issue with the police organisation, he said.
Tatar said that road deaths should not be turned into political weapons and called for sensitivity on the issue.
Tatar said, “We see that no matter what government has been in power for the last 45 years, these accidents have happened”. Noting that the issue of foreigners’ use of vehicles should be dealt with, Tatar said that the driver’s licence system should be revised. The fact that ninety-nine percent of those who take the driving licence test, pass, should be examined, said Tatar.
Kibris Gazetesi