ECHR decision could hamper negotiations: Ozersay

Turkish Cypriot negotiator, Kudret Ozersay has said that achieving progress on the property issue would not be easy, but progress could be achieved on other issues and they are trying to achieve this, Turkish Cypriot daily ‘Kibris’ has reported.

In statements made after his five-hour long meeting on Tuesday with Greek Cypriot negotiator, Andreas Mavroyiannis, Ozersay said that the Turkish Cypriot side had put onto the agenda, the issue of the leak to the Greek Cypriot press of the proposals submitted during the negotiations, adding that this situation could be “extremely problematic” for the negotiations.

Commenting on the judgement of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ordering Turkey to pay the Republic of Cyprus the total sum of 90 million euros in respect of non-pecuniary damage suffered by the relatives of the missing persons of the 1974 Turkish invasion of the island and the Greek Cypriot persons enclaved in the Karpas peninsula, Ozersay argued that the negotiations will become more difficult if one side thinks that it will achieve victory through courts or other means. “This is a decision which makes our job more difficult. We do not expect them to take this decision and come to the negotiating table. We will not do this,” he added.

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