Prime Minister Faiz Sucuoğlu has submitted a letter of resignation to President Ersin Tatar, Yeniduzen reported. The newspaper writes that the prime minister gave an ultimatum to President Tatar saying “either dismiss Minister of Finance Atun or accept his own resignation“.
No official statement has been given regarding the claim, which was confirmed by political sources.
Another claim was that President Tatar had discussed the issue with officials at the Turkish Embassy.
The tension between Prime Minister Sucuoğlu and Finance Minister Sunat Atun has created a crisis in government.
Sources close to the government told Yenidüzen that Prime Minister Sucuoğlu had said to President Ersin Tatar, “You either sign it or I resign,“, while handing over Sunat Atun’s dismissal letter. President Ersin Tatar reportedly has asked Sucuoğlu to wait until tomorrow.