In a statement which hit out at officials of the Cyprus Turkish Electricity Authority (Kib-Tek), Tuğcu recalled the words of Kib-Tek Director Dalman Aydın, who said that “the power outages are over“, Tuğcu asked, “Is this the state of the end of the outages?“
In a written statement, Tuğcu said, “General Director Dalman Aydın and the members of the KIB-TEK Board of Directors under the presidency of Hüseyin Paşa, your responsibility is not to feed T&T or AKSA, but to perform duties for this PEOPLE.“
Tuğcu’s statement reads as follows:
“Dalman Aydın, appointed by Ünal Üstel with privilege; This is your justice!
“Leave the public without electricity for 58.6 hours, but never touch Emrullah Turanlı, and if anyone tries to touch him, place a police barrier! Despite the four-month debt burden reaching 92 million TL, while the electricity supply to Ercan Airport, operated by Emrullah Turanlı, remains untouched, the citizens experienced a total of 58.6 hours of power cuts yesterday.
“The KIB-TEK administration, which caused Teknecik to continuously fall into production insufficiency by not investing in its institution and resulting in overload due to this hot weather, implemented power cuts in a total of 122 different villages, sites, border gates, and facilities in the last 24 hours to save energy.
After the intense outages experienced last week, in his statement on June 8, KIB-TEK General Director Dalman Aydın said, ‘The outages are over.’ We ask him now: Is this the state of the end of the outages?
In the list below, you can see the regions where the outages occurred yesterday (June 14, 2024) and how many hours/minutes of outages were experienced in each region.
While the KIB-TEK administration piles up the police illegally against EL-SEN, which questions the debt billed to the citizens as ‘injustice’ instead of collecting the 92 million TL debt of Ercan, they shamelessly condemn the citizens who pay their debts in full to electricity outages in this scorching heat.
General Director Dalman Aydın and the members of the KIB-TEK Board of Directors under the presidency of Hüseyin Paşa, your responsibility is not to feed T&T or AKSA, but to perform duties for this PEOPLE. Stop being the wind in the sails of the politicians who brought you to those positions and realise your real responsibility! Invest in KIB-TEK, which is the inherent property of these people; stand up against those who eye the people’s money by lying on millions of debts!
Instead of adding to the wealth of Emrullah Turanlı, the boss of T&T, or Cemil Kazancı, the boss of AKSA, protect the rights and justice of your own citizens!“