Erhürman to Visit New York For Diplomatic Talks

Tufan Erhurman - Leader of CTP
[Tufan Erhürman – Leader of CTP]
Leader of the Republican Turkish Party (CTP), Tufan Erhürman, will be in New York from September 23 to 28. He will be joined by CTP Foreign Relations Secretary and MP Fikri Toros, Yeniduzen reported. Their trip is focused on diplomatic talks related to solving the Cyprus problem within the UN General Assembly.

Erhürman is set to speak at a session titled “Investing in Dialogue and Diplomacy” during the Socialist International meeting on September 25, where he will present his ideas for the future of the Cyprus solution. He will also meet with UN Deputy Secretary-General Miroslav Jenča to discuss the Cyprus issue, and he plans to hold bilateral discussions with various countries interested in the matter.

Before leaving for New York, Erhürman will hold a press conference at Ercan Airport on Monday, September 23, at 8:30 am.


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