EU Calls For Return of Varosha

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The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) has passed a resolution urging the return of the Maraş region, known as a “ghost town” within North Cyprus, to its “legitimate owners” based on UN resolutions. The resolution, approved by a 51 to 13 vote during the PACE general assembly in Strasbourg, emphasises that returning Maraş (Varosha) would significantly contribute to a comprehensive solution for Cyprus, Yeniduzen reports.

The report, titled “Call for the Return of Maraş to its Legitimate Residents,” highlights the need for the region to be transferred to UN control or returned to its rightful inhabitants as part of confidence-building measures. This move is seen as essential for resolving the broader Cyprus issue, with any unilateral changes to Maraş’s status deemed violations of UN Security Council Resolutions 550 and 789, which could hinder the chances of a comprehensive solution.

The resolution calls on all parties to support the political solution process in Cyprus and avoid unilateral actions that might jeopardise it. It criticises the “two-state solution” recently proposed by Ankara and the Turkish Cypriot authorities, emphasising that it conflicts with the UN’s vision of a bi-zonal and bi-communal federation.

Additionally, the resolution urges the acceleration of the Immovable Property Commission (IPC) in North Cyprus. The IPC, recognised by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) as an effective legal remedy, handles property claims of Greek Cypriots. Despite its effectiveness, many Greek Cypriots avoid applying to the IPC, fearing it might imply recognition of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). Notably, no claims regarding the Maraş region have been resolved yet.

The report’s creation was initiated following Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Turkish Cypriot leader Ersin Tatar’s 2020 announcement to reopen parts of Maraş. Piero Fassino, an Italian parliamentarian, was appointed as the rapporteur and conducted visits to Cyprus, Ankara, and Athens. Fassino underscored that resolving the Maraş issue is tied to the broader Cyprus conflict, advocating for a bi-communal and bi-zonal federation, confidence-building measures, and UN control of Maraş.

Support for the resolution was echoed by various political groups in the PACE general assembly. Swiss parliamentarian Damien Cottier noted that Switzerland’s federal structure could serve as a model for Cyprus, expressing readiness to play a mediating role in future negotiations.

Turkish Cypriot parliamentarian Armağan Candan emphasised the importance of focusing on a comprehensive solution for Cyprus, rather than just Maraş. He highlighted the ongoing isolation of Turkish Cypriots in various sectors and called for support of the UN Secretary-General’s efforts.

The resolution underscores the importance of dialogue and cooperation in seeking a lasting solution for Cyprus, urging all stakeholders to contribute positively to the process.


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