Executive Committee Changes Quarantine Rules

North Cyprus News - Passengers disembarking - ErcanThe Committee on Infectious Disease has changed the rules on three-day stopovers in North Cyprus. The recently introduced rule that permits passengers arriving in North Cyprus and remaining for three days only or less, has been rescinded. Between 8-23 December all passengers, irrespective of how they arrived and their intended length of stay, must remain in quarantine.

Further decisions made by the committee in respect of New Year’s Eve celebrations are as follows:

Up to 100 people are permitted in venues of 300 square metres and above, up to 50 people in venues between 100 – 300 square metres and a maximum of 30 people in spaces between 50 – 100 square metres.

The  committee also reminded that the tickets of the people coming to the country should be issued by checking the HES code:

It is necessary not to issue tickets to those who have had contact with anyone infected with or who are Covid-19 positive in the HES code. Criminal action will be applied within the scope of the Infectious Diseases Law to companies that issue tickets to people who are found to be Covid-positive-19 and/or have contact in the HES code of persons who are positive for Covid-19 as a result of the 2nd PCR test at the entry ports to the country”.


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