The police have advised caution regarding the counterfeit money in question and warned that anyone deemed suspicious should be reported to the police station.
Serial Numbers of Counterfeit 50 US Dollars Put into Circulation
MB24413708C, MB 24416213C, MB24413472C, MB24413878C, MB24415550C, MB24414997C, MB24413088C, MB 24413502C, MB24415299C, MB24415764C, MB24414585C, MB 24414971C, MB24414334C, MB24415849C, MB24414041C, MB24415870C, MB 4414495C, MB24412961C, MB 24416027C, MB24415302C, MB24415159C, MB24415523C, MB244 13308C , MB24416285C, MB24415215C, MB24415479C, MB24413960C, MB24412844C, MB24414650C, MB 24412418C, MB24415264C, MB24413996C, MB24412870C, MB24412448C, MB24415458C, MB24416318C, MB24413743C, MB24415048C, MB24412967C, MB24412558C, MB24412310C
The police stated that since there is a possibility that the counterfeit money in question may be released to the market before, those who hold 50 US Dollar banknotes starting with the specified serial numbers; Banks, foreign exchange companies, financial institutions, markets, citizens, and people and institutions who will buy, sell and exchange money are kindly requested to be careful and to report suspicious persons to the nearest police station.