Federation or Two States Will End Status Quo: Nami

North Cyprus News - Nami - Akinci - BurcuFederation or a two state solution is “the only formula which will save us from the status quo”, former negotiator Ozdil Nami, member of the Republican Turkish Party (CTP), has said.

Nami said that in parallel to the clear reaffirmation of the past convergences, a time limit should be put before the Greek Cypriot side and arbitration by the UN or by other arbitrators should be in place at the end of this time limit.

He said that in the event of a possible referendum, contrary to what happened during the Annan Plan 2004, the choice which should be put before the Greek Cypriot people should be “do you say yes to federation or to two states?” He argued that in this manner the Greek Cypriots would be forced to choose one of these two alternatives, adding that “if you offer them the choice federation or continuation of the status quo, they will prefer the continuation of the status quo”. Nami said that the Greek Cypriots would also prefer maintaining the status quo before the two states.

If, however, we tell them federal solution or two states, they will tend to the federal solution and thus the status quo will end”, he said.

Kibris Postasi

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