FM Denies Claims of New Beach to Open in Maras

North Cyprus News - Varosha - Maras beach

Tuesday, 24 May 2022 

Allegations by the Greek Cypriot administration claiming that the TRNC authorities have decided to open a new beach in Maraş (Varosha) have been denied by the TRNC Foreign Ministry, Turkish newpaper Daily Sabah reported.

The partly reopened town of Maraş (Varosha) is solely under the jurisdiction of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), the foreign ministry said on Saturday.

The Greek Cypriot administration of Southern Cyprus continues to make statements to mislead the international public opinion regarding the fenced-off area of Maraş”, the foreign ministry said in a statement.

The statement went on to say that, “In fact, the TRNC government has started to refurbish a beach, which was already in use, for the benefit of its visitors, mainly for their safety“. 

It was emphasised that the TRNC will not ask for permission from any other authority, particularly the Greek Cypriot side, regarding any steps that will be taken in the fenced-off area of Varosha.

While there are many other important issues in the world’s agenda, the Greek Cypriot administration of Southern Cyprus’ disinformation occupying the U.N. as well as other international and regional organisations, shows the Greek Cypriot administration of Southern Cyprus’ irresponsibility“, the statement concluded.

Daily Sabah



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