Former GC Inhabitant of Kozanköy Hopes to Build Soon

North Cyprus News - Nicolas SkouridesAn elderly Greek Cypriot former villager from Kozanköy [Larnakas tis Lapithou] Nicolas Skourides, who was granted the right to return to his property in Kozanköy by the Immovable Property Commission, reportedly hopes to start work on the house he planned to build, as soon as possible.

According to Greek Cypriot daily ‘Alithia’ newspaper Mr Skourides (78) had received almost all permits from the TRNC authorities and had left behind permits such as back road construction.

Speaking to the newspaper, Skourides said the work will start next week, after the contractor has reached an agreement, providing there are no obstacles.

He said that he felt “an atmosphere of regret” about the actions of the villagers on his subsequent visits, “months after the problems created by the inhabitants of the village”, and expressed his hopes that such incidents, which prevented him from realising his desire to return, should not be repeated.

Skourides, who assessed that the new Mayor of Lapta as showing a very positive attitude towards his return plans, said that the village headman was not very warm about the settlement of a Greek Cypriot, but reminded the previous muhtar that he was entirely against it.

According to press reports, the municipal consensus indicated that the work in June was not about the reaction of the residents in the area, but about not acquiring the relevant permits.


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