The Military Hospital in Kyrenia is intended to meet the needs of locals, Health Minister Hakan Dinçyürek said, Kibris Postasi reported. “The agreement includes free care for civilians too. We need to focus on the intent and the action here”, he said.
Speaking on the “Sabah Postasi” show on Kibris Postasi TV, Dinçyürek said of the 100-bed hospital, the construction of which is which is nearing its completion, “This is a modern hospital for our people. Turkey built this hospital with the plan to provide free care to the TRNC citizens. Are we going to say ‘No’ to that?”
He mentioned the recent statement from the Medical Association that doctors need to be members for the hospital to treat civilians. Dinçyürek said he understands the doctors’ concerns and the legal issues.
He stressed that the TRNC is a place where legal solutions will be found. “Everyone can relax”, he added.
Dinçyürek also said that if the intent is right, it’s impossible not to find a solution. “We’ll work it out together. We’re ready to tackle any issue that benefits the community”, he said.
He talked about past problems with medication, saying that technical issues are being worked out through discussions. “We need to clear up these technical issues to build trust”, he said.
Dinçyürek stressed how important it is to reach a societal agreement, noting that health is a crucial field everywhere. “If there’s a mistake, it will be fixed. If there’s any harm, it will be compensated”, he said.
He explained that when people buy medicine from pharmacies and submit their receipts and prescriptions, the money will be transferred to their accounts after going through a control process. This is a temporary solution, and a new plan will be developed with the Medical Association, Pharmacists’ Association, and other relevant groups.
Dinçyürek said everything is on record and under control. “We’re doing everything we promised. All health centres are being checked and repaired”, he added.
He also talked about ongoing efforts to set up health centres in villages that don’t have any and to add doctors where they’re needed. “We’re making every effort to bring in more doctors where they’re missing and will keep doing that”, he said.