Freedom of Speech Under Threat

North Cyprus News - Judges Gavel

Thursday, 2 June 2022

There could be a serious threat to journalistic freedom and freedom of speech if a number legislative amendments are approved by the TRNC assembly, an article published by Reporters Without Borders* states.

The article likened the move to restrict freedom of speech to those imposed by the Turkish government.

If the amendments are adopted, they are likely to pose major problems for local media and journalists, the article states.

Anyone writing an article with “malicious” intent for a “mass media” outlet could be sentenced to up to five years in prison. “Malicious” intent now has a broader definition, and could include not only “insulting” or inciting “discontent or dissent” towards the president or the state but also “ridiculing” them or questioning the sovereignty of the northern part of Cyprus”, the report stated. 

Reporters Without Borders

*Reporters Without Borders is an international non-profit and non-governmental organisation with the stated aim of safeguarding the right to freedom of information

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